Nice to Meet You, We Are

Our marketing specialists are spread out across the UK & Europe and have expertise in various areas of marketing and web design.

KIND M3DIA is a fantastic boutique marketing agency prepared to exceed your expectations.

What we Do and Why we Do It

Our team


When Diana’s not scouting out the latest TikTok trends, or watching latest Instagram Reels, our social media mastermind is making viral content for our clients. 

Also, as Co-Founder of KIND M3DIA, Diana oversees all of the companies business operations, from ensuring that our boutique agency achieves its financial vision to making sure the business stays on track with all strategic goals – ensuring that KIND M3DIA continues to grow and thrive.

Outside of the office, Diana loves spending quality time with the family.


In life and work Andy is always looking for his next challenge. He started the digital marketing „journey” in 2014.

With a remarkable skill for identifying opportunities, he always is looking at new ways to increase website traffic, improve rankings and generate more business for KIND M3DIA and its clients.

Outside of the office, Andy (Andrei) enjoys travelling, blogging and exploring old buildings. Likes experimenting new technologies, such as AR/VR modelling and drone photography.


Ramona’s professional SEO career began in 2009. Apart of her role as Head of SEO , her implication into KIND M3DIA brings the right balance to our workflow. 

She is supporting the management team and is managing client projects and websites. She strongly believes that innovation and marketing are the keys to a company success. 

Ramona is passionate about nutrition, yoga, and everything that brings health and stability to her daily routine. 

Backstage Crew

Everyone working at KIND M3DIA holds their family in the highest regard.

We are all people, who have somebody we care deeply for – be it a significant other, children, or pets. They all have enabled us to spend our time creating something special for all of you, and we are grateful for that.

Our Industry Friends

Whether you need a professional video, animations, web stacker,  copywriting or some awesome photos for your website, we have people we work with or recommend to get the job done.

Are you a Freelancer?

Whether you are a SEO freelancer, web designer or WordPress developer, videographer, photographer, web content writer, social media content creator or a digital marketing specialist, we would want to here from you.

Please send us a message. Who knows? A long, fruitful relationship can be around the corner.

Reviews From Our Satisfied Clients.

We believe in hard work and we don’t cut corners. We respect our clients and take responsibility for moving their belongings with great care. Our best possible credentials are the work we do and the kind words of the companies we work with, so please view our case studies and reviews below and more.

“Without a doubt, the Kind M3dia team are the best company in the world! They did amazing work, and they did it with a smile!”

“Massive thank you to Andrei and Kind M3dia team which made the whole process easy to understand. Believe me; they are worth it!"

Client Testimonials
